Thursday, June 21, 2007

BBM Standard Abbreviations

My good friend WO Voon of 3rdKL wrote a blog post that sparked a rather extended discussion about "proper" abbreviations to be used in the BB. Read all about it here.

However, since my NCOs seem keen on discussing this matter, I thought I'd fire the silver bullet and stop this discussion in its tracks by pointing everyone to this: The BBM Standard Abbreviations Page.

Case closed. (Really now, who cared in the first place? Oh wait. Voon ;P)

(Wouldn't you rather be discussing more "practical" issues like, "Recruitment Strategies for the New Millenium" or "How to Stay Committed as an Officer Amidst Balancing Family, Job and God", etc. See?! Now *THAT'S* a discussion worth sparking. LOL)

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