Friday, May 16, 2008

Away on 17 May 2008

Officer Wong will be absent from 1st KL Parade on Saturday, 17 May 2008 due to some family obligations.

1st KL programmes will carry on as planned, with my Communications (Adv) Award being conducted by Mr. John Cheah.

Please contact my fellow Officer-colleagues about other 1st KL related matters during my absence. Otherwise, you can leave a comment on this post and I'll get back to you as soon as I am able to.


Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Passionate Rant

I'm glad that there 1st KL leaders who are still passionate like this.

My dear LVH - thank you for your passion. Let's continue working to the best that we can - to form character, develop leadership and encourage brotherhood in all our Boys, both the faithful ones... and the ones who are "not".

We'll do it by living out examples worth following and being true Brothers - who are always welcoming but also aren't afraid to "challenge" what we think are wrong with each other.

I hope you'll keep your passion burning bright - till the day you hopefully wear White. ;)

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Bandsman, Buglers & Drummers Award 2007

The results for the 2007 Bandsman, Buglers and Drummers awards are out. Please check it out at

There are days I wonder whether I'm talking to the wind...

There are days in BB I really feel like I'm "talking to the wind".

No, not necessarily because I think the Boys are not listening - more to the opinion that I'm not getting through. Maybe I didn't "prepare" enough or maybe I just don't "connect" well enough to them.

But then, if I have even *one* response like this to the things that I do in BB... I thank God. Maybe I'm not talking to the wind, after all.

Thanks, YSH. Boys like you continue to encourage me in my service to the Lord, through our beloved BB ministry.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!

To my dearest mum:
Thank you for tirelessly supporting my participation in the BB way back when I started, on a whim, in 1991. For driving me to all my Parade meetings (almost) every Saturday. For waking up and driving me down when I had Band Functions, outings or camps that began early in the morning. For paying for all the uniform, uniform parts, boots, polishing materials, Pesta, camps, outings, and various other fees incurred. For giving me pocket money so that I could freely take the bus and eat lunch with friends before Saturday parade. For being the one who smilingly presented my President's Award to me, even though I was Form 5 and should have been studying for SPM. For supporting my decision to continue serving in the BB even during college years and now, as an Officer in my adult years. For driving with dad to meet me in Port Dickson when my car broke down during an Officers' Retreat (I must have been a SSGT then?)... and for switching cars with me and driving back with dad all the way back to KL without air-conditioning (stupid alternator broke down!).

My goodness... and this is only *some* of the things you lovingly did for me in *BB*. It would be impossible to try listing EVERYTHING you did for me as a son!

Thank you so much. I love you.

To my dearest wife, the mother of my son:
Thank you for supporting me in my ministry as an Officer to a ragtag bunch of Boys every Saturday. For being willing to part with a "husband" and a "father" for more than 6 hours (almost) every Saturday and, sometimes, for days at a time when I'm away for camps, training courses or BCM. Thank you for holding up the fort of our family while I'm away. For washing my uniform and having it ironed for me. For allowing me to spend part of my income - which we use to support our family - on the Boys. Thank you for continually giving me advice and feedback on the way I handle myself as an Officer, Christian, mentor and "elder brother" to my 1st KL comrades and Boys. I know they have benefited from you more than they realize.

And, like my tribute to my mum, I realize these are just a *few* of the things you've lovingly supported me with in my ministry as a BB Officer. Were I to list down everything you've supported me with as a husband, there wouldn't be enough space in all the servers across the cyberworld to contain it.

So, thank you, my beloved. Without you, I would not be who I am today. I love you.
Happy Mother's Day to the two most important mothers in my life!